Friday 20 January 2012


orangorang kate, human need space.. 
btol ta?
errm.. masingmasing ada hak, kite mesti la hormat diorang punyer space an? atleast dorang ade jugak freedom ntok dorang... 
especely mase tgh2 bercinta, this also did happen to me, myself.. yela.. 
couple je pon, bukan kawen lagi... saba laaa ckeet.. :P
ta perlu la sume bende na buat samesame, taw??
it is true that mase mude2 nie la na enjoy manisnye cinta.. ak pon pena je fikir cmtuh..
as a girl, na dilayan mcm princess, di 'appreciate'..mcm cite2 cinte laaa..sume bess je na buat samesame...
na msg all the time, na dia cares kt kite, na dia igt tarikh2 penting, na dia jadi sweet.. 
alahai... demand je taw...
tp? xkn la dlm hidup dia, na buat ntok kite je.. somehow, dia pon na buat something ntok dia. 
so?okay laa.. kene la bagi space..bgi space ntok dia n life die, aslkn die ta ignore kite sudaaa.. huhu..
sapce kan right masingmasing, tak salah kite bg dia space.. dia pon na freedom jugak taw...
so? no biggie boy!.. 
as for me, i give u the space, the right n the freedom..cume jgn la salagune plop freedom yg diberi.. 
aih =.=
ta perlu na kawal idop dia.. taw ta? kadangkadang an,space between us
yang buat bond kite makin kuat taw..makin ketatketat.. .>..<.
jarang msg ta bermakna dia tamoe kite, mungkin dia na spend mase ngan member ke,
dia ade keje, dan lainlain.. :D

Wednesday 28 December 2011

a memoir with loves!

first foremost, it is quite a short yet meaningful trip for me..
oh yeah! besties n my boyfee all around with me.. huk3..
on that day, the tide on the sea had exceeed the land and some of the damage had caused the eyesorE..
from left : my boyfee, cik yuni and cik ala... my loves..
dat such splendid moment was so wondrous and amazing..
the breeze there was so cool and hey!.. i forgot to tell that i was wearing skirt and.. 
omo! the wind blew just too strong..huk3...
haiyoh!!sebok dok pegang kaen when the strong wind blew against my skirt! hahaha
like seriusly, i enjoyed myslf there with cik ala, she was my besty, and still my besty.. 5 years together in SCIPP reaally, starting from 2005 until SPM, 2009.. omo!! it was such really great experience,, tougher day, sad stories, happy moments, joyful events ; we faced it together. i luv my besty.. cik alamishaka! 
just after SPM. chemist paper..hoho..

haha! with a very awful makeup but a veeryy happy excited moment. DINNER! UYEEH..

AND.. here it is, mim and cik ala.. binding the friendship with loves..

HEY?? since dis is my first blog, and second post, let me introduce my BOYFEE!! oyeeah.. 
i did,do, and always love him.. omaigod! siesly... everyday i think that i fall in love with him.. haha... 

right beside him, my heart beating his name.. nervous.. OMG!


almost whole day, we spent time togethr, grab some time and snap some photos...
 as time went by, we need to say goodbye for that one fine day... 
oh my! i'm gonna miss my 'by'.. and owes him..
 for cik tila, though we dont mcg frequently, kol evryday, it doesnt mean that our frenship is meaningless..
cik tila has some space inside my heart.. 


Sunday 18 December 2011

sharing is loving!

hey yoo! haha.. to be honest, dis is my first time, doing dis such blogging, blalala.. quite a shame, but it's okey.. better try rather than i've got nothing..
i have one intention only,, just to share some story about me, femili, luv, fren... oppps! it is one intention?? 
yup.. i juz wanna sharing.. dats it!.. becoz sharing is loving.. hahak!

LITTLELITTLEGORGEOUS??  i bet someone will just wondering why it is i have to choose dis name? haha.. act, it is nothing.. littlegorgeous is my previous name in my friendster, back then in 4,5 years ago.. not to be look da same as my FS, i juz add double LITTLE.. 
so, it is really nothing. it is NOT that i am too gorgeous or wat, i juz had liked dis name, like seriously since i was in secondary skO0L.. NO BIGGIES!! :D

life fer me ; it is not complicated anyway.. but it seems dat me, da one who make it complicated...  
yaa!.. it is human themsleves who create trouble, rite? not da life itself.. haha.. 
in life,i believe that everything happen for a reason.. and, here i am. i know the reason why i have to live in such dis world, and i know, i have some responsibilities to be done..... 
life is not about starting a new day, but ? huh.. no idea.. haha